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  • Hi Jerome,
    I am in the ceftriaxone trial now for almost 7 months. My progression is slow. Going to camp for the weekend will be back sunday. Send me a private message if you have questions or face book Judy Gettman =)
    Hi I am a new member. I was diagnosed in January of 2009. I have been selected to particpate in a clinical trial for Ceftriaxone. I was wondering if any one is in this trial. I am beginging to question if this trial has had any sucess. I have not had much luck getting information and the doctors have not been much help. I would appreciate any information.
    Hi I am a new member. I was diagnosed in January of 2009. I have been selected to particpate in a clinical trial for Ceftriaxone. I was wondering if any one is in this trial. I am beginging to question if this trial has had any sucess. I have not had much luck getting information and the doctors have not been much help. I would appreciate any information.
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