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  • Hi, I am new to this forum. My father is 52 years old and last Thursday was diagnosed with ALS. He has been experiencing symptoms for 18 months now, but they were treated by doctors as stress related. He is progressing very slowly which is a good sign for him and my family. I have been researching the best diet for him, but coming up very confused. Does anyone know of or have tried the Ketogenic diet? I can only find information dating back 2006. He is also overweight and wanting to shed that while he can still do light physical activity. Any information would be great! I have nominated myself his personal chef and I am trying to design the right plan for him. One nutritionist friend of mine has suggested the SouthBeach diet...please any suggestions! I want to slow the progression as much as I can with his diet and at the same time make him as healthy as possible while he can still chew and swallow.
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