Here is the neurologist who wanted me to seed Dr Spiera— Mark Sivak (292) 241-6719
Both he, and two of my New Jersey doctors recommended him, (Spiera). Anyway, I did not love this neurologist personality wise, but he is still someone who could be an excellent extra opinion. He is neuromuscular, not specific to ALS, and probably leans more toward MS and MG, CIDP etc.
Here is my neurologist at Johns Hopkins. Her father, also a neuro, is the 'Sumner' of Lewis-Sumner CIDP variant, which is also known as MADSAM. Her name is Charlotte Sumner, (410) 614-0093, and I DO love her
Her secretary's phone number, which is the one to use probably, is (410) 614-1196
IMO you're not all that far of a drive from Hopkins. I used to do it from Bergen county NJ. Just a thought.