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  • Isabel, I am so very sorry about your Mom's passing- but from what you described it was very peaceful. You are a wonderful daughter- and you loved her well. I believe she will watch over you and your family, every day. Please know I have prayed for her and you a lot- I wish you courage in the days ahead. The lights in her home may be dim- but shine brightly in heaven and in your heart.
    thank you very much. we did just what you told me , we called 112 (here in Spain) ,they eased their breathing, the following day the paliative care team started her on the morphine. She has been stable since Thurday so i have already said good bye to her, but my sister is going through hell.She is holding on. Thank very much for your help.
    ps. What exactly do you mean by hospice?
    Are things stable this morning- Thought of you through most of the night. can't imagine what you are going through.
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