i have been twitching for 20 months,first i had a wired feeling in my right leg,it atrophied a bit,then after 6 months my left leg was uncomfortable too,now my right hand,i can't use it alot,it aches and is heavy,i had 3 normal emg's and DRs don't think that my atrophy of right leg and right side of my ribcage is important till my emg is normal,i'm 21 years old and i am a medical student,i'm so very worried,i don't know what to do,i wanna ask you about my symptoms,i have all of them but i don't have weakness that the doctor could see,i can walk,run raise my hand and other thing but all with force
my emg's were short,for example one minuite per muscle,i think it is not enough
sorry for my bad english,i think our symptoms are like each other,so i asked you,would be pleased if you answer me