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  • Hi, sir. I, have the SAME EXACT SYMPTOMS :( Just realized that it could be Lyme but the MD refuses to test for Western Blot. My rapid wasting has happened so fast within a year. I just started taking Doxycycline but got it for acne. Any improvement so far?? Sir? I'm only 27 I am so scared of losing my family not because of dying but because I am not able to help financially anymore.

    EMG "normal"
    head MRI "normal"
    In his hand and he lost a lot of weight and chest muscles started to atrophy. He fell down a lot. Couldn't raise his arms, couldn't wash or dress. His speech was fine. He was an amazing talker, a professor. For him to have lost his voice would have been the ultimate tragedy. He was still able to walk.
    Hey Gus. I was reading your post, and it intrigued me because my symptoms appeared after my jaw surgery three years ago. I had Orthognathic Surgery (complete with titanium screws / plates) as well as a tongue reduction.

    Do date I don't have any weakness that I'm aware of, and am basically just dealing with widespread fasiculations, pain, tremors, and occasional fatigue.

    The Neuro I'm currently seeing suspects MS, mostly due to my abnormal brain MRI. It's unlikely our cases are related, but never-the-less just thought I'd share.
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