Hi Gretchen, I'm glad you found our site, it's been a lifeline for me. I hope you can get your sister to check in and find out as much as she can, and join our crazy group. I've made some good friends here, and though I've only met one, I care about many of them. Go to the Come for Tea thread for an upbeat look, we talk about OTHER things than our problems with ALS. Other threads are for information, and I lurked on them for a long time before I joined the forum... I was also in denial that I would need to join I guess.
If you want your questions to get answered from a lot of different points of view, I recommend starting a thread (after you read the "stickies") with your question(s). If you want my point of view, I'd be happy to help you if I can.
Take care, and check into clinical trials! Show your sister the info from the Emory Univ. stem cell, patient #11 is on our forum as Ted.