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  • Hi Laura,

    I feel so bad for missing your last email to me. I don't know how I missed it. I also wanted you to know you have been on my mind for the past two days. I want to make sure you are ok and let you know I care and miss talkin to you.
    Hi Laura,

    Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I hope and pray that Christmas finds you well and on the mend from surgery. I also hope that you are spending the holidays with family and that you can share some precious moments with the ones you love.

    You are very special, loving and caring and you deserve a special Christmas. May the angels up on high be watching over you. Have a wonderful holiday and know you are loved my dear Laura.
    glad you received my message - usually there is a reply button inside the private message. xx Tillie
    I'm always here :). at the weekend I'm usually busy, only check here during the week
    That's why I was saying get facebook, I'm always on there.
    Hi there
    If you create a Facebook account you can search for me Dougiedj I use FB on my phone or tablet as they are easier to use than a computer
    If I were you I would get a Smart phone or tablet, they come in really handy. I use mine to communicate. I have an app that I can type into and it speaks for me plus you can have facebook to keep in touch with people.
    What I usually do to find help to do things is to search Google with a question, like how do I do ???...
    Hi Laura.
    How are you feeling now? Had a couple of bad days but I'm feeling better. I think loneliness is trigger for that.
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