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  • Hello, I have lots of friends and support, but I'm just looking for others who are actually in my shoes. My brother has ALS and lives in California. I live in Maryland and it's so difficult to be so far. He has a wonderful girlfriend who takes good care of him, but i know it's getting harder and harder as time goes on. My brother is getting ready to turn 45; i know he's young to be stricken with such a horrible disease and up until recently was getting around farely well. He fell a few weeks ago and now seems to be getting weaker as the days go on. He is stubborn and didn't want to plan for grim future so now he's sitting at home without any way of getting out of the house since he didn't wan't to get a ramp a year ago. We just applied for a grant to help with the cost of a ramp, but it's going to be weeks before it comes through, if it comes through.
    Is anyone else a "far away" caregiver dealing with the same issues? I'd just like to hear how others deal with such a situation.
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