My husband was diagnosed 7/12, 4 month after his first symptoms. He was tripping and falling a lot, and when he was tired he developed right foot drop. He drove and 18 wheeler and unloaded up to 40,000 lbs of food stuff, by dolly in 2 days, twice a week. He started having fasciculations in Mar., and a 30lb weight loss by May. He was extremely athletic and we mountain biked when we could. When he no longer could keep up with me I knew there was a major problem. Since his GP did not feel he needed to be investigated for ALS, he continued to work, and get his routes done. At the end of May he was mugged at work and knocked out, and WCB started doing work ups as he was not recovering. 2 weeks later after multiple MRIs, EMG, neuro-psychological work up, and seeing orthopaedic specialist he was cut off, with a reason that he had a pre-existing progressive neurological condition.