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    In April, I felt tingling or fasciculations in all my extremities. Developed ache/pain in my left hand that would come and go. Neurologist told me, I did not have MS. Went to a als/ms specialist in August who said the same thing. He did then mention brisk reflexes. In Aug, I did felt the same ache/pain in right hand now. Everything seemed fine then for 4 weeks in Sept, I had aching in both my
    arms. Most recently, I developed sharp pain in my left upper arm whenever I outstretch it. This past week I showed a physical therapist said mild atrophy left arm, some on right too. Saw muscle specialist, who noted brisk reflexes again,no clonus/ babinski. I have continued to feel fasciculations in my feet/ legs, twitches random all over. I don't believe the doctor felt weakness. I was able to hold onto his fingers tightly. I can carry heavy books with just my fingers, hold my hands up and neither one drops. ncs in 2 weeks. Any thoughts if this is als
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