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  • hi don and judy i hope your dealing with this as well as possible.you said you think don may have had it for 3 yrs.why that?i have the same about my als but didnt have it checked out till aug 09 then it was confirmed please write me any time im here for yas jeffp
    Hello Judy. I'm sorry about your need to be here and Don's ALS. Have you been looking at the various categories here, to see some of the subjects that are covered? At the top of the page there's the "Search", which I have to admit, I learned of just yesterday. Where was Don affected first, and what is the progression (what a "dishonest" word, right?) now? Please feel free to post, as I believe this is a group of super kindhearted folks who would really want you to come in and feel at home.
    God bless you both. I look forward to knowing you.
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