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  • Hi, My name is Donna and my husband, Ronny, has ALS. He was diagnosed 7 years ago and is now deteriorating at a faster rate. He has issues with swallowing, breathing, mobility (his legs are weak and can be numb and he is unable to move them), and the cramping is unbelievably painful. Ronny has similar issues with the phlegm as others have written about. He originally figured out that Equal helped him a great deal! Equal helped him by eating away the very thick, gummy phlegm that sticks to his throat and his teeth, and is very difficult to swallow. At this time he is experiencing both thick phlegm and copious amounts of thin, runny phlegm; both of which burn his tongue, throat and roof of his mouth. His taste buds are very affected and he often cannot taste anything. Does anyone have an issue with the the burning of the phlegm? We have been unable to alleviate this problem. We hope someone has a suggestion, and we hope to be able to help others with some of their issues. Thank you!
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