Hey David,
Well this is great! On holiday, I am so very pleased for you. It's hard I find to immagine just how a 'colleague' is actually situated in terms of their condition. I've never met anyone with MND (except an actuall colleage some years ago, but I dont really recall him after he was diagnosed), and so I dont really know what to expect. I admit that when you said you were travelling I got rather a surprise! I had you all bed-bound and chronic. Sorry about that. I'm excited for purely personal reasons also: I might be able to count on some more travelling in the future as well. We had a fabulous two weeks away over January; and Lord willing my wife and I would love to go on a cruise around New Zealand mid year. I hope that you And Peggy thrive in Florida, and that it restores you body, soul and spirit.
Im in the opposite camp: my wheelchair has chucked a cog and I am housebound untill a new motor can be sourced. Possibly from the US.....