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  • If I remember correctly, your neurologist appointment is tomorrow. (or soon) wishing you good luck
    Anything is possible, just like it's possible that both you and I get struck by lightning today. I'm not sure what your story is but it sounds like if you got an EMG of both your limbs and bulbar region, then you have been fully and thoroughly evaluated. I'm going to assume that the conclusion from that evaluation is that you don't have ALS. If you'd like, you can share your story with me and I can give you my opinion . . . which by the way . . . I'm 100% sure will concur with your neuro.
    Howdy Jim! I left Michigan in the late 70's because I was pushing 30 at the time pretty hard and kept moving back home any time I had a problem of some sort or other and thought I should strike out on my own and see the world. Get away from family. Well, then 1 sis followed me, then a few more and then my Mom. So now I have 3 sisters and my brother in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and 3 sisters in Michigan and Mom bounces around between the three states depending on the weather. Brad and I moved from Plano in 02 because we love skiing and hiking and mountains. We had a reunion in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area at the beginning of May and had a blast. I get down there quite frequently but it's rare that my whole family is all together. My step daughter coincidently lives in Wylie with her Mom. We were there just last year visiting her. And of course my sibs and my Mom. Whew! Well, that's probably more then you wanted to know but it's too late now. LOL! Hope you're doing well!!
    Hi Jim! I'm Marta. How are you doing? I was just in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area a few weeks ago. Long way from Houston, I know. I hope you're doing well!!
    hey steve, im jim houston is great im a native houstonian i i love it here.......we ve had the dryest year i can ever remember here ........must be 10 inches below norm...we ll get get caught up this huricane season i suppose...springs alittle north of town im in spring branch....i really like the forum it been very informative......take care thx..
    How is everything in Houston. I allmost bought a home in Spring Texas a couple few years ago. I joined here a couple weeks b4 you
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