VERY comparable to my situation although I am a bit younger, 33 years old. I had 2 EMGs done, the first one was clean and the second one showed re-innervation but no ongoing denervation. I feel weak when I walk, my legs are very stiff and it is worst in the morning than during the day. I dont show clinical weakness and I am fairly strong. I lack stamina and I cramp up easily when I contract my muscles. I have tons of twitches in my legs, tongue, and back. I also have fasiculations that dont show up on the EMG....and some other twitches that do show up. I've been told by 2 docs that I dont have ALS....my neuro exam is normal and my history doesnt point to ALS in their opinion. I wrote more about my situation in response to your original thread. I think that we have something that is "unknown" for the time being... I am very happy that despite my self diagnosis of ALS and being dead worried, top neuros are saying NO. Gives me some hope but does not get rid of symptoms.
VERY comparable to my situation although I am a bit younger, 33 years old. I had 2 EMGs done, the first one was clean and the second one showed re-innervation but no ongoing denervation. I feel weak when I walk, my legs are very stiff and it is worst in the morning than during the day. I dont show clinical weakness and I am fairly strong. I lack stamina and I cramp up easily when I contract my muscles. I have tons of twitches in my legs, tongue, and back. I also have fasiculations that dont show up on the EMG....and some other twitches that do show up. I've been told by 2 docs that I dont have ALS....my neuro exam is normal and my history doesnt point to ALS in their opinion. I wrote more about my situation in response to your original thread. I think that we have something that is "unknown" for the time being... I am very happy that despite my self diagnosis of ALS and being dead worried, top neuros are saying NO. Gives me some hope but does not get rid of symptoms.