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  • Hey Allison,
    Barb actually asked me (the same day you sent this message!) if I knew how you were doing. And how is your Mom? We continue to pray for you, your young family and your Mom.
    We're hanging in there... breathing issues the same, losing strength and tone in my right hand & arm but not much else at this point. So thankful for a slow progression, though it has sped up a but since March.
    We would love to have you, your family and your Mom over for dinner when we can arrange a good time for everyone.
    Was at the ECU football game a couple weeks back and thought of Tom... I know you must miss him. Damned disease!
    Thanks for the note! We're hanging in there, and things are pretty much "the same" for us. Very grateful for the slow progression. Barb and I think of your young family, your dad and your mom all the time.
    We're headed to Washington DC in May for the ALS advocacy week with our elected officials. Hoping awareness and increased funding can help lead to a treatment or cure someday. It's past time we found a way to prevent the loss of so many great people, like Tom, to ALS.
    Hope your weekend is great!
    We are fine, and think of you and your father often. I pray you are dealing with his passing as well as can be expected.
    I had my DPS put in the last week of June and, so far, it is going smoothly. I did not get the feeding tube as I didn't feel it was needed. I don't want to deal with it daily for just cleaning purposes.
    How is your Mom doing?

    Hi Allison

    It is Miss. You can see her on my page. Your mom should have $1200 a month as a widow of a 100% disabled veteran, plus his Social Security, her Medicare & Tricare or ChampVA whichever one she has will remain intact. There is also money available for her for aid & attendance which she may qualify for if she has cancer. It's a lot to take in. I feel like Missy can fill in some of those pieces and maybe the PVA. I wish I had more of that knowledge tucked into my head for you.
    Hi Allison,
    Just stopped by to wish you and your family a Happy Easter. You are in my prayers. Kim
    We have a Raleigh address but live off of Hwy 42, between 55 and 50. I actually ride to work in Sanford by coming up 42 and going through F-V (with a frequent, unintended stop at the new Krispy Kreme!). Aviator is less than 15 mintues from the house. Nice place for a good dinner and afterwards we sit outside, have a beer and a cigar and relax. Well, "we" don't smoke... I do. Barb not so much :-)
    I will email you after the holiday and maybe we can meet on a Friday after work. Would be great if your folks could join us, though I want to be considerate of your dad's condition... not sure how he feels about eating out. I'll let you make that call when the time comes.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Barb and I just walked into your dad's room to say 'hey'! It was nice to meet your mom too. I am sorry that Tom's progression is so fast and wish this evil disease would just leave us all alone.
    Your folks said you all settled in F-V... nice middle ground between Cary and Fayetteville. If you get a chance to venture out without the kids, the Aviator in downtown Varina is a great pub and smokehouse... really good food and awesome beer!! maybe your husband and you could meet me and Barb one night for dinner.
    Hey... thank your veteran for me today!!
    I know you have your folks here, but if you and your Soldier need anything that Barb and I can help with, please call us. Barb is very well connected with the homeschool community here.
    Thank you for the note. I know grief can strike in many ways at anytime. Boy do I know... I've had my own grief. It's just scary watching him grieve and experience the unknowns and knowing this ugly disease will take his father. He's so scared. Would be nice to have the Xanax for the bad times. I do know what you mean about not liking the side effects. Losing both my parents and my only grandparent in a 6 yr span, I could certainly use some Xanax from time to time too. I wish you lived in our town. Wish we knew people around here in the same boat.
    Thank you so much! Sorry you have to go through the same thing w/ your dad. So far its been really tough on my family and me cause we just so close. I just can't imagine my mom not being there for us since she has been a huge support in our family. So many mixed feelings and emotions.

    Good Day to also...;-), So good to hear from you. You certainly are a busy beaver. How wonderful he is doing so well, my daughter also home schools her children, very time cumsuming added to the swim schedule hope you geta time to breathe.
    If need any help I will do my best, I am still figureing things out myself. So glad you found us. ((HUGS))
    Good morning. Thanks for the directions. I think I can figure it out :) I will look and try when I get a chance. I stay busy homeschooling my two sons, ages 13 and 7yo. They also competitively swim, and my oldest is on the highest training level on the team, which means practices are VERY time consuming and 6 days per week.
    Hope you have a blessed day. Talk to you soon.
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