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  • hi everyone, i'm not sure if this is the right group i am in, but i really need some help! i have a 15 month old son, he was born with complications, and has had many surgerys, he has had a peg since one day old, but was learning to feed, although speech therapist was concerned about his swallow, benjamin had a emg bulber 2 weeks ago, and the results have come back, mild/moderate isolated bulber palsy!!! he is having saliva problems, always coughing in the night, and seems to be a lot worse in the mornings, coughing up quite alot of mucas! i just wondered if anyone else has isolated bulber palsy, from what i gather it, is damage to them nerves in his brain, but not to do with a disease, as its isolated......but as u can imagine i am very worried!we have a appointment on monday with the neurologist to discuss his results.
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