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  • Hi Everyone! I am new here. My fiance was recently diagnosed with ALS and I am feeling overwhelmed by the journey we have ahead of us. We are both 49 years old. We want to get married but I live in a joint property state (TX) and have been told that marriage would hurt me financially and I would be responsible for all of his future medical debt. I don't know who to turn to for real advice on this. Our situation seems so unique that the experts don't really seem to know what to tell us either. We just get piece-meal advice which isn't very helpful. We found a house we would like to buy and start making wheelchair accessible but we aren't even sure which one of us (both?) should get the title/loan. I hate that ALS is not only devastating to our lives and future plans, but that it makes it so we feel scared about getting married, even though it is what we always planned to do. Is there any way to marry the man I love and not lose everything I own due to his devastating ALS diagnosis?
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