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  • Hi Bernie,
    Thinking of you? How are you doing? My dad is doing pretty good for having ALS that is. He was glad to get outside for a little bit this past week because the weather was nice in Dallas. Saturday, it hit the 80's and then yesterday the temperature dropped dramatically and they had ice. School was cancelled today. Texas has such unpredictable weather. Take care, Kim
    Hi Bernie,


    Yes, this disease sucks.

    You are probably still in shock from your recent diagnosis. I can sympathize all too well.

    It has settled in for me some after a couple of months except that my legs seem to be deteriorating fast.

    Have you looked into clinical trials? Washington University has several opening soon.


    berniec74 worte: <Hello Bob - I also live in St. Louis and was officially diagnosed earlier this month. Would love to connect with you...I'm not loving anything about this crazy disease......you?>
    Hi Bernie, I was 52 when I was diagnosed, and my kids were 11, 13 and 16 at the time... very devastating. Look for clinical trials, and get thee to an ALS clinic. There are folks here who have lived with ALS for a lot longer than the standard 2-5 years, and alot of it depends on your progression and what choices you make for intervention. Stay well.
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