Recent content by Beach Guy

  1. B


    I saw the nuero and he did a clinical said it was 99% BMF thank you again for all of the info that you all provided.
  2. B


    are they usually small and in one pot in als? can begnin twitches be in jut one place?
  3. B


    can anyone explain what als twitches look like?
  4. B


    i got the appointment because someone happened to cancel right before i called. my symptoms have changed in that my twitching is now contant in my shoulder even when i sleep.
  5. B


    Yes I work out a lot my concern is that the twitching is localized contant and not everywhere. From what I have read about bfs i that it comes and goes and i not localized.
  6. B


    Thank you all for your reponses. I went to a sports medicine doctor who sent me back to the nuero. my appointment is tomorrow I do not know what to ak for another clinical evaluation or a new emg?
  7. B


    No I had no weakness. I was having the emg done because I was having test done for ms. Everything came back negative. The twitching I have is localized to my shoulders. So there is no way the twitching can come before weakness.
  8. B


    I had an emg that came out clean. My qustion is my twitching had only gone on for three weeks before th test was it to soon for the emg to pick up als?. My nuero said it would have but still scard.