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  • Artisto, thank you for your positive attitude and kindness on the forum. The whole demeanor of the forum has changed drastically since I left about a year ago. I don't know what all this hostility and anger is all about. Well I guess I know why they have it but I have never seen such an outpouring of it like I'm seeing these past few weeks. I hope you stick around and stay positive. :)
    Hi Arthur, Sorry about your diagnosis, I hope its still preliminary.
    I read your posts, you mentioning that your onset started in L hand then went to R shoulder...
    I have a similar scenario, which amazed my doctor. My doctor saying that one hand/arm gets completely atrophied only then it moves on to another hand/arm, or down to leg on the same side as initial onset>
    I hope everything goes well for you and your prelim diagnosis is wrong. Have you consider going to Mayo clinic in Florida?
    Since you dont have private messaging priviliges here yet, I would apreaciate if you email me at [email protected]
    Hi Arthur,

    Can I ask you some questions please?

    1)you say you have twiches for 5 years , where they only in your legs? Have you gone to a neuro in the meantime?

    2)Where your EMG's completely clean, what did they see, if not?

    3) have you hand an EMG done while you were continuous twitching in your hand.

    3) I have posted atrophy pics of my hand, does it look like yours? and how bad is the weakness.
    (i also have non stop twitching in that hand, but clean emg)

    4) Do you see the difference/atrophy in your hand when they lie flat on the table?

    I hope you have the time to answer my questions.
    Best of luck!
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