Nikki, thank you. You are always so kind. It is very frightening, but at this point, I just want answers, whatever they might be. He did not tell me anything other than he found nerve damage in my foot and leg. I understood all of the terms he was using to describe what he was seeing to the medical student other than when he was showing him that the “waves were high”. I don’t know what that means. He wants to MRI my leg to look at the nerves, which I don’t understand. I’ve had a full spine MRI and an MRI of my foot/ankle, which were both clean, in regards to the nerves. Because of issues with my insurance, I don’t have my MRI for 3 weeks and then my follow up with him isn’t until December 12th. I am grateful that steps are finally being made to figure out what is wrong with me, but the process is exhausting.