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  • I don`t know how to use or to write a blog but I needed to reach out to someone and I read your blog. My husband was just diagnosed yesterday at 59 years of age and I just need someone to talk to that has some experience with this disease.
    Hi Anastasia,
    I think the holiday that Ed is going on will benifit both of you, which is great.
    One thing to keep in mind though, keeping active is a great idea, but in my experiance overdoing it is not good. You feel the results for the next couple of days.
    As you probably know you dont re build up muscle strength with ALS all you can do is keep what you have going.
    I find that stretches several times a day seem to be the best for me at the moment.

    Cheers for now and enjoy the next week
    Hi Anastasia,
    great to catch up.
    No i didnt get the message re the area down here, but it is currently very green and wet (nice).
    I too are not a great one on the heat of our summers but fortunatly down here most of the time it cools down at night so you can get some sleep.

    I dont know if i said before but i am still working. The company i work for has been great to me, given me a different role, shifted my office from upstairs (those damm stairs amost killed me) to close to the car park, provided me with walking devices etc and really supported me.

    Not like i think his name is Roadkill on the forum, who has it tough at work.
    People have different views on working with MND. If i didnt i would go stur crazy at home.
    Another Aussie on the forum, Gelthling is caring for her mother and has had a rough time in the past. It was nice to see her father come back and support her mother and her.( i guess it is much like you are doing)

    Cheers (hopefully you get this)

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