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  • Hi Aly,
    Just wanted to let you know the update on my boyfriend. So far no progression. Still just isolated to speech. Everything still normal. Thankgoodness! Dr. said might be PLS only time will tell. However she said she has had cases were it just stays isolated to speech. I'm praying for that. I hope all is well with you !! Sya
    Hi Aly, just dropping by at the crack of dawn to give you a hug before I take off to fresno for the Dex drug try out. I have the best insurance possible: the love and prayers of my Forum family! Blessings!
    Things are great with me. Jordyn keeps me VERY busy, I don't have time to worry anymore LOL. Hope your health is doing well. your entering spring, we are in the middle of summer, about 6 weeks of it left. =)
    Hello Alley--just giving you a heads up that i am getting the peg on the 19th at 9:45,....asking for your precious prayers and thoughts. Wont be posting for about a week unless I feel up to it. Your prayers and loving thoughts will cover my back, and that makes me calm.
    Hello Aly; haven't spoken in a while, and I'm wondering how you are doing over there accross the Tasman?
    Hi Aly, hope your weekend went ok, just got done cleaning my den carpet a while ago, ate a half a pint of ice cream, was good, now I have You are losing weight, and I am gaining..ugg need to start dieting! Hugs to you sweet lady!!!
    Thanks Aly for your encouragement & kind words on my favorite thread..tea with Aly. Had a few unfortunate messages around mums death which put me right off posting for a while so just lovely to experience the opposite with you. Hope guilt over the lodger is gone. You're just too nice is all, so it's hard to have to tell someone some home truths. Love you.
    Well, if EMG isn't necessary, I'm not too sure I want it done. If this iS ALS, I figure it will be more than apparent given enough time.

    I had an EMG about 10 years ago when I hurt my back--it was more than a little painful.

    Hope you recuperate from your trip and feel better soon!
    I keep hoping the atrophy in mine is something different--but now it's in both hands, and I made the mistake of reading the neuro's report she sent my pulmonologist. I hadn't realized there was weakness in my facial muscles, or that my reflexes were absent in part of my body and hyper in the other parts. The only fifferential she put in her report to him was MND. I didn't even know they could see LMN signs on clinical exam. And I guess I can share crazy if you insist :) How was your trip"
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