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  • Hi Al, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!! Hopefully you will have lots of snow where you live!!
    Hi Al - just wanted to thank you again for chatting with me a couple of weeks ago (I'm the girl who is, like you, from the Toronto area).

    Love the profile pic by the airplane :)
    Dear Al, I have a lot to learn about this disease. It frightens me to the point where I want to throw up. Not go to work. Just stay in bed and avoid everything. I can not get my mind around this. I admire my sister, she is trying to work as much as she can. She says she thinks her diagnosis is wrong - something else accounts for her muscle weakness. We have both gone over the neurologist's reports. Right now, it's like we want to live in some sort of fairly land.
    Thank you. Thank you very much. It will work out in the long run. I know it will. But, for now, thank you, thank you.
    Dear Al, Thank you very much. I am so grateful to you. I want my sister to come to you without any reservations or shocking discoveries. I think if she found my thread she would just be terrified. This way she can find her around this site and come to her own opinion. I can't stop crying.... But, I thank you very much for your time and your attention to this.
    Dear Al, I think you are removing my thread. Thank you, thank you. My sister is just coming onto your site and I don't want to her read what I am thinking and posting. Please, make sure it's all gone if you can. She took a few days but then went onto your site. Called tonight and said she has registered and is looking at everything. Please, Al, I don't want her to read my thread right now. I said my sister lived in Victoria and I lived in B.C. - she'd figure it out immediately.
    Al, Thanks for your message on the forum but I will still be leaving. I just find some of the attitudes a bit hard to deal with - not because I disagree but because they just seem to belittle those who don't agree with them. I accept that I'm not a person who posts a lot or contributes as much as some, but this is because I am now at a stage where I only have the use of one arm and no adaptive devices to help me. I therefore only contribute to things I feel strongly about as the effort is just too much for me. I hope you understand. Becky
    Thanks Al for the Happy Birthday! I haven't been on here in awhile...I've been extremely busy. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
    Al, Hope you are having a great weekend. O, and thanks for the help!

    Appreciate your doing me that favor. Great.

    Hi Al:
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    I am a new member here, but am active on the Patientslikeme and ALSTDI forums.
    I've attempted to post a new thread containing the ALS petition (several of us PALS worked on getting it together) from Diane; and more about how to have our voices heard during the world wide ALS meeting in Australia this weekend. Please approve the new post /new thread. The more folks who see, access and sign the online petition the better for all of us..
    Thank you very much.
    I am [email protected]
    Thanks Al,
    Kind of you to call in! It's been a lovely day in fact, way above expectations. Drawing to a close now, but Ive done a lot and spent good time with family.
    Please tell me who is a MOD here and how I delete my profile/account and any past posts I have made?


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