Im going through a tough time and Im worried my symptoms may be ALS. I'm going to try to keep this short. The first symptom I recall was a twitching in my right lower jaw. Happes when i'm talking and causes me to slur my words. I then noticed a general weak feeling in my left leg. Went to neurologist, normal exam. Then noticed twithing muscles went back to neuro, normal EEG. The weakness has become much more prominent in left knee and left indix finger ( not loving typing right now ). Normal MRI as well. PCP just referred me to PT because she said I am deconditioned, PT noticed a noticeable wakness in left side. Twitches are constant at reast and noticeable during activity at times as well. I am a 30 year old mother of 2 and am so sooo scared. I cant even believe this horrible disease exists. I was actually hoping my MRI would show evidence of MS..... anything but ALS. Thoughts are appriciated. Have follow up with neuro in a couple of weeks...