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>Maybe we all have something in common here. I have been in computers since 1984

there are a bunch of us [ssick] techies :) -- me, I started in '75, OS/VS1, JCL, the to the brand new Intel 4004 uSlice. All downhill since then. :)

btw, I am sure computers are the root cause of ALS -- it was a Russian plot when floride failed ...

I spent 30 years teaching AP computer science...languages from Pascal to C++ to Java.

What's the world going to do without all this brain power?:-?
What's the world going to do without all this brain power?:-?

As a computer moron I can only say it won't be pretty! Don't have the slightest clue what you guys are talking about but I am glad you are enjoying it!
GregK - thanks for giving me an alternate source - that one worked for me.
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