a little worried, can someone please help

Hello, I work out alot for years and awhile back I noticed my bicep twitched, well I kept working out and for six weeks I went to the academy and it didn't twitch and that was six weeks, I kept working out the same, mind you my nutrition wasn't great my caloric intake was very low and I didn't drink alot of water and sweat alot, well the twitching in my left bicep started back and woudlnt stop for months, I recently went to the ER with an elevated heart rate and for a month I couldn't work out well I lost alot of weight, but I noticed that my left bicep became flat like a runway the head of my bicep flattened out, and due to the fact I couldn't work out I guess, I started having twitching all over in places but the bicep atrophy really scares me and I've been having vertigo really bad someone please help

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