Hi! Help please!

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New member
Apr 2, 2011
Learn about ALS
Hi wrote last week but nobody answer me, and I really need some ideas for doing the life of patiens ALS more easy ( I need some information about the social life. I mean, what matters in your daily life are most difficult? What would you like to have like social help, sepcial centers for doing some activities, accessibility in your city?)
Sorry for my English!
There is a lot of information on the blogs you can read to gather the info. you need. Please be considerate of the PALS as they have to use a considerable amount of energy to write. Thank you.
ALS is not like any other disability due to the forever changing conditions. A pals has to adapt his or her life to what the body will allow. In the beginning were like a non pals so things don’t change. You need to think what you’d do if you have trouble walking or talking also consider thing that are capable from a chair. Different stages of als are equal to many disabilities its just they don’t stay the same they progress. Talk to anyone in a wheel chair or a person that walks with a cane. or a mute person ect. Are lives are like there’s to a point . just because we are diagnosed with als does not differ from a person that’s handicap. Even people that have had a stroke. There symptoms are much like those of pals I should know I had one and now I have als. If you want to know what things to do look up activities for specific disabilities and there you have it good luck in you quest for knowledge.
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