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Jun 15, 2010
Learn about ALS

My husband was just diagnosed with possible/probable ALS by a specialist. He has denervation in his left arm and hand--so now we are just supposed to wait and monitor progression but the specialist thinks it is ALS and offers no other possibilities. We are planning to go to Mayo for a second opinion at the end of the summer. We are trying to prepare for the unknown future. I just feel so sad especially for my kids who are 4 years old and 10 months. I am thankful for the gift of time but at the same time I am stressed/tearful a good deal of the time now when I wish I could be enjoying the time now when he really is feeling fine (except for his arm). We are going to put our house on the market because it is not handicapped accessible. I am just so sad and tired.

Kristen, welcome to the forum. Sorry we had to meet this way, but you will find lots of support and answers here. HUGS Lori
Dear Kristen,

I have tried to think what to say to offer some comfort but am at a bit of a loss because I know just how terrible it is for you when you get this "probable" diagnosis and words seem so little, but my thoughts are with you and your family. If you are feeling stressed and tired that is understandable. Have you any family/friends who can help out e.g cook dinner one night a week, do grocery shopping?

Some friends have been fairweather friends but we have found love and support in other areas we did not expect. If I may digress, my husband had been working as a car insurance assessor -assessing the damage to motor vehicles after an accident and working out the claim amount. He had only been with the company 7 months when he was diagnosed. Now, a car insurance company is not normally viewed I would think as warm and fuzzy, but they were just so nice to him, said he could come to work when he felt like it, do whatever hours and when he could no longer go in, kept him on sick leave long after his allowance had expired so he could get a health card. The general manager of the company flew down from interstate to chat with him and make sure he was ok and the department heads would visit him at home. It has really meant alot to him and helped him emotionally so much.

I hope you are having a better day today, keep in touch

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