Sliding on Roho cushion

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May 22, 2016
Loved one DX
My mother is using a roho cushion in her wheelchair because she has developed pain on her bottom with other cushions. Unfortunately, she slides a lot on the cushion and has to be frequently adjusted. I think it is partially because the roho cushion is more mobile by definition, but also because the fabric covering on the cushion is more slippery.

Does anyone have any tips to prevent this sliding? Thank you!
Does your cushion have a slider in front that is marked green on one and red on the other side? My PALS has one like that and we were told that the cushion is more mobile in the green position whereas red locks the air chambers and makes for a more stable cushion.
Use tilt. Change the cover --one kind is smoother than the other. Check that she is in, not on, the cushion.
The Roho air cells are divided into quadrants. The front slider that wishmobbing talked about either leaves them all open (in which case they will equalize dependent up how the 4 quadrants are being pushed by the person sitting on the cushion)... or they are locked and air will not move between those quadrants regardless of how the seated person moves.

Given this understanding, I (who am heavier than my wife) would sit in the chair and upon the Roho with the chair leaning back. This would put more of my weight on the back two quadrants which pushed more air into the front two quadrants. I'd then "lock" the air control switch on the cushion which locked all quadrants. When Darcey would sit again in the chair, she found that the higher front quadrants helped push her back in the chair.

While this worked for Darcey, it might not work for someone else. I just wanted to offer this up as another alternative or idea to work with if it seems as if it might help.

My best to you as you seek that which works well for the two of you...


P.S. Laurie's comment about sitting IN and not ON the cushion is also quite valid. Put too much air in the cushion and you defeat the comfort it was supposed to be able to provide.
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Just to throw my 2 cents worth in. Not all Roho cushions are the same, as mentioned above, with a lock. Another model does not have a lock and the chamber is open and you can not close off the chamber into different sections. As mentioned above, if it is an open chamber model, do not over fill it or you will defeat the purpose of the air chambers.
I have 4 power wheelchairs, 2 with ROHO seat cushions and 2 with foam seat cushions. Here is what I have found.

If the wheelchair is not properly fitted to me (seat width and height, lateral thigh supports, lateral thoracic supports, armrests, etc.), I slip and slide all over the seat cushion (foam or ROHO, it does not matter).

Once the chair is properly fitted to me, I still slide on the ROHO cushions... even with the valve in the closed position, the cushion filled properly, and a cover with some texture over it.

I have added a "posture support belt" (also known as a seat belt) to each of my wheelchairs. They make a significant difference in keeping me from sliding forward.

If you are not using a seat belt, you might look into adding one.

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