
  1. A

    A clarification please

    Good morning to you all. I have read the "Read this first post" but have some questions regarding my situation. As a history, I had pins and needles in my feet and hands and reading the "read this first" post showed that this isn't an indicator of ALS. I visited a neurologist who suggested I...
  2. J

    Genetic testing

    My husband Jon just received his confirmatory bulbar ALS diagnosis at the University of Rochester today. He has 3 relatives on his fathers side (2 female first cousins of his father and a child of one of the cousins) who had ALS. My mother in law does not have specific details, but knows they...
  3. B

    Medical expert witness on ALS?

    Does anyone here know of an ALS specialist neurologist who works as an expert witness? It did not matter where they are. I'm also interested in learning of any lawsuits that claim certain events or exposures caused/triggered ALS. Even if they were not successful, I would like to know if any such...
  4. F

    EMG atrophy questions

    Hello everyone I know all your time is precious and I do not intent to waste your time. I have read the stickies, and read other post pertaining to the issue. My question is that if you have atrophy between your thumb and forefinger would this show before any clinical weakness? Secondly if it...
  5. A

    Frequency of Fasciculations in ALS

    Hi everyone, I see that along with people that are ALS patients, many worried, looking for information or probabilities visit here. Statistics are very important in evaluating probabilities and can offer information many scientific studies do not particularly present. Therefore I'd like to post...
  6. M

    Question about my symptoms

    First and foremost I want to say to all of you that have this dreaded disease I am so sorry. It is awful and I hate to even come here amongst you who are going through so much to ask these questions. Second, I am fortunate in that I am the CEO of a relatively large hospital so I have access to...
  7. S

    Saw my neuromuscular specialist today - new concern. Questions.

    I last posted here a couple of years ago. I am the person who had a long standing diagnosis of myopathy which had not progressed, unlike others in my family with MD then I developed fasiculations and was concerned. I had an emg which again showed myopathy and I left this forum. At that time, I...
  8. S

    Other family members with als

    I found out this morning that my PALS had a 2nd cousin who passed away from ALS on his mothers side. Does it have to be certain family members that make ALS not sporadic?
  9. R

    Hate to ask

    Sorry to ask, but I must. So I went for a bike ride 2 days ago, and immediately after my calves started twitching bilaterally,as did my quads, right around the back of my knees and sides of my calves. Heat makes it better. In reflecting on the sticky's and other "Dr. Google" feedback I have...
  10. B

    Interesting Read Here
