What's in your universe?

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Distinguished member
Dec 21, 2017
Loved one DX
Science tells us that we might understand about 5% of the universe. And that this knowledge is questionable.

This threat is meant as a opportunity for nerds like me to open up thoughts about things that we are told are unknowable.

So to start things off and perhaps to agitate many, the following, while not a devine vision, are my thoughts on the matter:

We are not an accident. If we started with a "Big Bang" so be it. A purposeful big bang. Some entity caused it and we have been evolving ever since.

Our consciousness is said to be unique among all earth's animals This uniqueness is our essence and remains alive even after our mortal bodies have expired.

We each are endowed with what could be called a spirit. This spirit is our councilor and if we choose to listen it will guide us throughout our lives. "Those that have ears let them hear"

If this sounds religious it is not my intent. I just want to express (after a lifetime of organized religion) the unvarnished core beliefs that sustain me during these rough times.
Ernie, I have thought a lot about this lately, specifically what happens to souls after the body dies. I assume souls represent some sort of energy that is recycled. How a soul comes to inhabit a body is nothing short of miraculous.

I don’t exactly believe in reincarnation, certainly not in a religious sense. The bodies decompose after the individual dies, but I think the souls go elsewhere. Maybe their energy recombines with other energy and goes on to become something totally different. Let’s see what others think.
Well, I'm sure you can guess my answer. I believe we each have a soul and we each have a spirit. I'm an old world creationist in that I believe in a supreme being who made it happen. My guess is through the Big Bang. Science and my spirituality are not mutually exclusive.

I think each of us is here for a purpose. I also think love is the real thing that matters. We are all precious and loved. I think our souls long to be loved and give love. Our bodies fail, our minds lead us in other directions, but our very core seeks love.
That leads into the next question: what is love?
Karen and Kim;

I intentionally did not use the word soul or supreme being. I also did not speak about a spirit in a direct sense. These words are empty for me. It is almost as if we have to use these special words if we are to be taken seriously about our views of the unknowable. Love is also among these special words. I definitely love my wife if my understanding of the word is correct but my feelings for her go way beyond words. Saying I love her seems inadequate.

Thank you for your thoughtful responses. Makes me feel less the nerd that others are encouraged to express there opinion about these sort of things
I think pure love is unconditional acceptance with a total lack of judgment.

I believe it's different than being in love or loving another person. I think our humanity prevents us from not judging others, not thinking of our needs being met as love, and not having expectations or conditions to believe others love us.
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