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New member
Oct 22, 2012
Learn about ALS
New York
Hi My name is Zachary. I am to this day not sure if what I have experienced over the past few years is ALS, I have avoided going to a doctor, partly due to financial difficulty and partly due to not wanting to be labeled 'ill'.

I believe there is a chance what I am experiencing may be the onset of ALS, It has changed my life whatever it is. Thankfully I am still completley mobile can run jump and walk....I don't run because of the right sided paid I get and I don't walk too much either for the same reason yet I still try to stay active. I used to be very active...I love basketball. I can still play but I find when I get into an intense half court game I get disoriented a bit and start to fell off balance and I experience a deep pain afterwards on my right side. Without getting too detailed...I generally stick to low exertion excersize these days like yoga and walking.

I am not here to share the story of my physical body though. I am here to hopefully plant a seed for some of you as I have been through some dark times and have come out a much wiser, loving person because of the deep thinking spurred largly by the physical issue I have been experiencing.

I want you guys to know a few things...I understand if some of you are in a place of not wanting to except what I am about to say...I am here to give you the opportunity...not to force anything down your throat as that would be very selfish on my part.

I want all of you to now firstly that life is Eternal. Your existence is Infinite, and in the sense of your consciousness ceasing to exist there is no death. What we call death, in this life is a transition from one state of being to another. There is no ending to your consciousness.

I want you all to know that we are all connected...not just humans but everything that exists...we are all part of One Infinite Being. There is only the illusion of being separate from One another, for the sake of experience.

I want you all to know that this One Infinite Being expresses nothing but Unconditional Love. Everything is Love in reality. You cannot truly be hurt, you can only experience the illusion of hurt, which is temporal.

I want you to know that there is truly nothing to fear as there is nothing to lose. There is no reason to fear anything...this life is only an experience. You experience it and move on to the next experience. There are Infinite ways of experiencing, so you will be busy for a while ;)

Upon leaving the physical body we realize that we are still us, we are still alive and we realize that the body we now experience through is not US, it was only a vehicle used to give us a unique experience on this unique planet we call Earth.

We also realize that we have taken many things for granite and that every breath, every moment of our life on Earth is nothing short of a miracle..and something to be grateful for. There is only gratitude to be expressed for life my friends for we truly are miracles in the flesh.
We realize that there is only one moment and the only way to fully experience the one moment is to be in the now.
Live now, be grateful and joyful now, there is no reason not to...regardless of what you are experiencing physically, know that you are not the body and realize what there is to learn from physical difficulties...I myself have learned to become much more grateful for what I am able to do and experience. I have realized that everything happens for a reason and to be in a place of acceptance... acceptance of others, acceptance of your life, acceptance of the circumstances that present themselves in your lives and others is the path to freedom.

Go within yourself, what does it feel like to be you? What does it feel like to exist? Go to a place of silence where thought is abstract. Feel the silence and peace of being you. Do you not feel the ever present Love that is you? Do you not feel the comfort of your consciousness? It will always be there my friends, and always has been.

All Is Well in every moment, all there is to do is to turn your attention to it...can you not feel the Perfection? Why not be grateful for your life? Why not enjoy every single breath you take? Why not choose to accept yourself and your experiences?

Thank you for taking the time for reading this.

I Love you, and I don't know you, but I see the Light in you...its the same thats in me.

Be In Joy :smile:
You don't have ALS.
You don't have ALS.

Im not sure what I have, some of the symptoms seem to parallel with what people with ALS are experiencing...Im just not sure

and to Johnny, I am not religious.

My intentions were to give through sharing insight I have come to learn through life experience. If it doesn't resonate with you that is fine.
Thanks but this isn't a message board for proselytizing. It's a message board for people with ALS, caretakers of people with ALS, and family and friends of people with ALS. If you want, you can proselytize on the blog section. There is a Christian thread as well although you don't seem to be talking about that. Actually I have pretty much the same beliefs as you, this is not the place for it.

As for your symptoms, go to a doctor and get checked out. It sounds like you have something treatable. Not like ALS. Good luck to you.
Thanks but this isn't a message board for proselytizing. It's a message board for people with ALS, caretakers of people with ALS, and family and friends of people with ALS. If you want, you can proselytize on the blog section. There is a Christian thread as well although you don't seem to be talking about that. Actually I have pretty much the same beliefs as you, this is not the place for it.

As for your symptoms, go to a doctor and get checked out. It sounds like you have something treatable. Not like ALS. Good luck to you.

ok. Thank you as well.
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