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This is really incredible.Where is it located?What is the monthly rate? My sound is not working on my computer.Joel is right .ALSdoesnothavetobefatal. You live long enough and die of another cause, you beat ALS! Places like this are going to prove the truth in his foresight!
Steve's Saling's view on life with ALS has helped me have hope...hope to live a productive life. Now I'm asking God "what" can I do instead of "why" me. Love these stories
thankyou cj,it was simpley heartwarming and full of hope for our pals.
this so just so amazing! its so over-due and now the world will finally see that our PALS deserve places to thrive. im over joyed and just crying. i cant even get the words out! i knew this place was opening, but i didnt realize that it was already finished. I thought it was still just an idea! WOW
This is really incredible.Where is it located?What is the monthly rate?

It is located in Chelsea, Massachusetts... outside of Boston.
It costs $425 per day for private pay... but is really geared for people on Medicaid.
I showed Ray the video for this today. He just cried.
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