Is there something after?

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Very helpful member
Jun 13, 2014
Just wondering...
Yep. Been there, got sent back. It's beautiful
>Yep. Been there, got sent back. It's beautiful

Yep... I believe that there is something yet to come...

Yep. Been there, got sent back. It's beautiful

If you can convince me of this, I would happily check out early........................
What do you mean Dalvin?
I don't discus it publicly any more. A few people I've known personally and cared very much have checked out and hurt their families badly. Will chat with you pm on FB if you want. And Mark, checking out early will cause your family an unbelievable amount of pain. Watched a mother and father fall apart and turn to drugs abuse,and generally ruin their lives. I don't think you want to do that to your wife, kids or grandkids. It would scar them for life
Im on facebook or you can pm me here, am interested Dalvin.
The way I see it....I've been handed a one way ticket out of here on one crappy ride there. However, my friends and loved ones could get there ticket tonight, tomorrow, who knows I could even get a transfer. I look at the sky at night and nature and find it impossible to think this right here is it! Each one of my kids would say things about how they knew me before I was their mom. I don't follow a religion, but, I do believe we are so much more than this body I've been lugging around. For now my goal every day is to make at least one person smile, whether it's a stupid joke, handing a stranger a candy bar, acknowledge the existence of someone usually ignored, just something to see a smile. I don't have much to give, but I know I'm funny! I will be that, until I can't!
Dalvin, I would love to hear your story and I'm sorry telling it to others caused such heartache!
my goal every day is to make at least one person smile, whether it's a stupid joke, handing a stranger a candy bar, acknowledge the existence of someone usually ignored, just something to see a smile.

That's a good legacy. In many ways, that's the best that any of us can hope to do.

For all the money and awards I've ever received, the things I hope I'll be remembered for were the times I might have made a difference in somebody's life.
I just hope there is something more...would hate to have nothingness for all eternity-assuming of course I go to the good force,,,
Yep. Been there, got sent back. It's beautiful

so did my Mother in Law. when asked what was it like she said, "can't rightly say, but I wouldn't have minded staying!"
takes on a whole new truth coming from someone you know
Bless you for having such a wonderful attitude! It is definitely a crappy ticket, but smiles and laughter, whenever possible, can't be beat.
I am a Christian and a Pastor's Wife at that. If I didn't hold on to the belief that because of Jesus, I will be in eternity in heaven, then I don't know how I could possibly get through ALS!
If I didn't hold on to the belief that because of Jesus, I will be in eternity in heaven, then I don't know how I could possibly get through ALS!

my thoughts exactly

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