not really a rant but want ideas on charlie horses?

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Active member
Jan 18, 2013
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I've tried rubs and get very little relief what else besides that and motrin?
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Muscle relaxants like baclofen and tizanidine have helped some people.
Tonic water that contains quinine has been reported to help some, but that is some nasty tasting stuff that to me!

And the current medical marijuana thread has some insight.
I haven't tried it, but heard pickle juice works when a charley horse sets in.

I .........guess..........they mean you should drink it.
My husband drinks chocolate milk. Sometimes it helps and sometimes not.
My aunt kept a huge dull kitchen knife in the freeze compartment of refrigerator.

She claimed pressing that ice cold flat steel against a leg cramp caused it to go away.
I there is someone there with you, have them straighten the leg, hold the knee down so it won't bend, and pull you toes up, flexing your foot. Hold that until the leg cramp stops. Stretching is very important in preventing cramps.
ive tried mmj in california once and it made me ill. but i am willing to try getting someone here to stretch my leg daughter might do that for me. the pickle juice maybe. im willing to try almost anything.
my feet pound alot so maybe i can ease that too.
I've had luck by drinking tonic water. I drink it before bed (1-2 glasses) as I get them while sleeping. I squeeze lime into my tonic water and don't mind the taste. There is a cream - Topricin- that was recommended to me and it has worked very well. It's a bit costly ($20 for a 4-oz. jar) and I've only found it on line. It lasts a while, though. I rub it on my calves once a day and within a day or two the cramps stop. I buy the Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream - not the foot cream one.
hi mich5 thanks i will have to look into it that sounds great.
Bitter lemon drink is made with tonic water generally (at least in the UK) and doesn't taste as foul, I found that easier to get on with than just tonic water itself.

I heard dill pickles aka gherkins help as a prophylactic as well.
Thanks I've never had tonic water but hey I'm willing to try.
I hope these remedies help my pounding feet too. I'm thinking it should cause its muscle pain.
Thanks a lot!
What is it in the tonic water that helps?
Quinine. Apparently helps to reduce cramping. I drink it. Add crystal light to it - helps the taste.
how much do you drink?
I can per day. Is it helping? Not so sure.
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