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Distinguished member
Feb 19, 2010
I am getting my Masters in Science for special education for the deaf and hard of hearing. Why am I still in school after receiving the diagnosis I have? 1. Because it was one of my lifetime goals to get a Masters and make a difference. 2. Because I am 24 and can stay on my parents health insurance until I turn 25 as long as I am in school.

Now the rave. I am in a general online class- technogolgy with computers...bleh but it has to be done as the college' prereqs...ok fine. New class started in July and instructor said introductions- tell about yourself, how computer technology has been in your life, pick a quote. Ok, I have FINALLY begun to tell more people that I am sick. I am not looking for sympathy, or for an easy grade, I am just trying to raise awareness. And um, well it is my life right now! So I talked about the technology in the future that may positively affect me- voice apps, computers helping out PALS...etc. Didn't go too far in, just enough to say, look this is who I am and what I aware!

Couple hours later, the teacher put up a new message for the class. Introductions(OPTIONAL)-yeah they weren't optional before- and then in the message said how people shouldn't get personal, and tell their whole life sob story. I didn't- I said 3 sentences. "I have ALS. Technology with Positively affect me in the future. I am happy with every moment, every day." That was it! I know he was talking to me because I was the second poster, and the first poster didn't even follow the 'rules' of the intro and just said hi and their name.

I am tired of people being ignorant. "Oh I know nothing of that disease". Then look the freakin' thing up! I try to help by sending the ALS commercials that are run in Canada for those who want to 'learn more'. They are horribly sad, but dang, then they can understand in 1 min. (two 30 sec. commercials- the Head and Shoulders one and Sarah's story-- how the heck I feel and what I will be going through!) Am I just high strung right now, or was this teacher perfectly out of line. I feel like emailing him back by saying 'look I don't want any favors, or any 'nice' grading. I was just trying to do the assigment' thouroughly and get my points.

Just needed to rant & rave thanks.
So sorry for the attitude of an uncaring teacher. I was a educator for over 30 years and obviously the person you had to run into has no empathy for anyone other than themselves. Keep up the good work and achieve your goals. Our son graduated this year and will start grad school in the fall. I told someone that education is something that no one can ever take away from you. Keep working at it. My husband was just diagnosed this year too. It is a life changing event in every way for all of us.
What a turd Kel! You probably made him feel bad which made him uncomfortable which made him feel a need to defend himself from any guilty feelings.
You should email the teacher back with your feelings... it's hard enough for us to confront this disease head on, and start TELLING people what it really is, without people saying you're looking for sympathy! NOT, I've had enough of sympathy, it only makes me feel bad! Being honest about how technology will make our life easier is what you answered, not a "poor me" attitude. He needs to be educated.
Can you say Loser...Ignorant butt!
did he actually say "sob story"?
I have a AA in Sign Language and Deaf Culture and a degree in Speech Pathology. He should be ASHAMED of himself. One of the sections in Tech was for communication devices when I was in school. What are this losers credentials?
I'm so sorry that you had to have this put in front of you. He was WAY out of line and very insensitive.
Yeah he did acutally say 'sob story'. I could probably write someone higher up and was quite insensitive of him...I should ask about his credentials too.
I would forward it to the Dean.
Susan, good idea. Right from the horses A_ _!
Right Marta! It irkes me when people behave in this way. There is no need to make someone feel bad with this or any other diagnosis.
Well, his communication with you might be considered borderline harassment of a person with disabilities, as he has basically told you to get over yourself.

I would point-blank ask him if he was referring to your introduction, although it is obvious from what you've said, that he was. I would ask where in your intro is the "sob" story?

If it's a private college, probably not much you can do, except elevate a complaint. Otherwise:

I was thinking the same thing. Isn't it against an ADA policy. I'm sure it is. Good call!
I commend you and praise you to follow your dreams! I've been a Special Education Teacher for 32 years. What you experienced with the teacher is an ongoing issue I have experienced over the years. Ignorance is an epidemic in addition to rude behavior, bullying, and unkindness! Blessings to you! Don't let anyone's ignorance keep you from following your dreams. If the unkindness continues, report him/her!
You have every right to be upset. This teacher is a horses ass. I finished collegee after I retired from the Army (24 years). I found the professors to be arrogant, self induldge, self promoting intellectuals. Any problem they didnt want to deal with they ignored. This guy is no different. I would send it to the dean as well, and then ask for credit in the course with out taking it.
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