Embroyonic Stem Cells, Would you or Wouldn't You?

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Distinguished member
Aug 31, 2008
My pals wouldn't even if it would cure him.
I would do it tomorrow if it was available, even if it was experimental. What they learn from me could benefit someone in the future.8)
if it were possible, i would be first in line to the sperm bank tomorrow to make my own embryos to help my mom get better.
If it worked I'd use whatever technology that was available. Unfortunately they don't work so you might as well ask, if they offered a ride on the space shuttle, would you go? It has about as much relevance and won't start a religeous controversy.


PS. I'd take the shuttle ride.
In a heartbeat.
Anyone hear about cord blood being used.

if it doesn't cost anything, i.e. trial....................
if the side effects aren't bothersome................
and if someone, somewhere had proof that it would work,

yep, I'd do it.
Patricia ...cord blood...there is one major charity and hospital in england that is collecting cord blood for research and treatment (but not for als yet!) We have 2 new grandchildren due over the next 3 months and we are having the cord blood collected and stored for ANY potential use in the future for any disease. It is stored for 20 years. I asked my neuro (who is heavily into research) for an honest answer as to whether to collect it or not, as it is really expensive, and he gave a resounding YES answer. Maybe it wont benefit me, but it is insurance for my family for the future. Did you know you can also collect stem cells from baby teeth, they have to be collected and stored in a specific way.
Would I have embryonic stem cell treatment...YES YES YES if it was being done by a reputable doctor/hospital
My wife, Rhonda, said she would not consider embryonic stem cell even if it meant a cure for her. She did say that cord blood or adult stem cell would be fine.
News today

With the reversal of the ban on stem cell research announced today I'm hoping that it won't be a theoretical question for long, I'd sign up tomorrow. :grin:
My husband would participate in any trial to get to hold his grandchildren for just one day UP OVER HIS HEAD AND SWING THEM AROUND IN THE SUN! What a sight!

He does not read nor is interested in me reading the forum posts, as it makes him sad.

Anyway, do you think because of his FVC's being so low (18 to 23%) and being on bipap 24 hrs a day, that would determine his eligibility with stem cells when available?

Please let me know what you think as I will not share with him but wonder about this all the time.

His ALS doctor said they are in experimental stage of using skin cells to make your own stem cells that have your own DNA? Interesting.
Al, the space shuttle ride would be fun especially floating around in zero gravity but it is very very bad as it causes muscle and bone wasting so don't do it! ;)
Crap, all the fun things are bad for you. Hoping, it's hard to say what criteria they will use. I think once they get the formula right they will be widely available and be there for whoever needs them. Just my opinion though.

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