symptom I haven't seen discussed

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New member
Apr 13, 2010
West Virginia
Has anyone else gotten to the point where urination is problematical? I use a bedpan. Up until recently I haven't had any issues but now I have to wait a bit to get started and then the flow comes in spurts with starts and stops. I don't have any signs of a UTI. My nurse said it could be weakening of the bladder muscles or it could be something else. She has us recording my fluid in take and out put in case it is the "something else" but I thought I would check with other pals before worrying myself. Thanks.
That may be your 'sign' of a UTI? Couldn't hurt to have a sample checked at any rate. Is the urine discolored at all? Any swelling (new) in your ankles or lower legs?
I agree with notme. Best to get it checked. Are you having any pain from where your bladder is deep inside?
Some folks do have issues with their bladders. But i'd look into the UTI first.
My husband had problems. It would take forever for him to "pee" and sometimes he gave up. I began to wonder about prostate problems.
Yes, that's a classic sign for men of an enlarged prostate.
My husband had the same problem for a short while. He also had a few weeks of slight incontinence. Both subsided after the muscle spasms around his bladder stoppped.
My dad had issue's when he had his PEG put in, after the surgery they had the cath him to relieve him, he wanted to hug that male nurse.LOL
I also read an article about Imflamation around the Prostate causes this, you gotta go and can't, or just a little. (with not empting the bladder all the way he could also have bacteria that can cause an infection) , the only thing that breaks down the Prostate Imflamation in that area was Advacado's. Something in them takes care of breaking it down. So i guess we should all feed out hubby Guacamole with chips of coarse, or just put advacado's in his PEG if he has one, or puree it. I really hope this helps I know how miserable that must be, poor guy, on top of everything else. Good Luck.
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Shilly, I'm still able to do transfers, but have had a problem with urge incontinence since early on. I've been on Ditropan 5mg twice a day to help relieve bladder spasms for a bit over two months. I find that my flow is interrupted and sometimes require a change of position to get it started again.
Good luck, I hope you find an answer and can stay comfortable.
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