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Very helpful member
Jul 5, 2010
So sorry to put this here, but you are all my friends and I am just sooo scared. My husband has has 4 days of increasing back pain. It was terrible this morning and he made a drs appt. We have just got back and now I am so worried. Along with his back pain, the dr found he had brisk reflexes everywhere and ankle clonus. He had to get checked by a fellow neurologist who shares the rooms. He confirmed it. In a couple of hours I am taking him to the MRI. He is really worried as he said it could be something bad like a brain tumor.

I really don't know what I will do if it's something bad. He needs to stay well for our kids, incase something happens to me. Please please pray for him.

This year is turning into a nightmare. First almost losing my precious daughter and now this.
How can we both work in neurology and both have neurological problems?

Sorry for losing it, but you are all so supportive and I need you all

Hugs and Prayers! We all will be here for you!
The mind is very powerful. If I say - I am losing it, I am losing it then I feel like losing it. Instead, I simply freeze everything, it is like slowing everything down, arresting everything, moving with time. My hd slept entire day yesterday and today wanted to go to flea market. I drove him there, pushed him around in the wheelchair. He came back, tired out, and is sleeping again, looking sick. I simply go very quiet inside, slowing everything. One thing at a time or it is so easy to feel overwhelmed.

I am sorry you are going through so much. We are here with your pain, our pain.
Aly, I will pray. I also agree with Pepper; it's my own coping method. There are places I simply will not let my mind go. You tell yourself very firmly, "I cannot think about that now." I've found that the things I worried about never happened... proving it was a terrible waste of emotional strength.

So, sweet Aly, we will pray. I love you.
Aly, as always, I am here to help in any way possible. Prayers, thoughts, chats, virtual hugs... all of it.
The ladies are right- sometimes youve got to turn certain things "off"- just to survive.
Love to you dear friend.
I hope everything is OK with your husband. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Aly, want the prayer request on the Christian thread? I'd be glad to cut and paste for you if you do want...
Yes please Ann
Thank you all. I am going to have a cup and get tumor thoughts out of my head. Can't believe how scared he is about the MRI. He orders about 10 a week for his patients. Its no fum being on the other end. He wants me to check his clonus, but I am not going too.

Thanks guys just knowing you are there helps. But truly I can't take much more of this, I really can't . Hopefully the caffeine will help!

Love Aly

My best wishes for your comfort to cope with this distress. I am sending good thoughts your way.

- Jerry
My thoughts and prayers are with you! This does seem like more than one person can bear.
Aly, I'm very sorry about the turn of events for you and your husband! Sending you lots of love and hugs, hoping things will be A OK!
He's ok! Thanks so much for the support. He has a newly slipped disc and it's thought his hyperreflexia and clonus was caused by the pain, well that's according to him. Oh I was just so pleased. We just got home.
Unfortunately my mum rang as soon as she got home and has broken her arm just below her shoulder. They were 2 days into a 2 week holiday, so they are returning. She has bad osteoporosis !
Well bad news for mum and good news for hubby. Gosh life is a roller coaster .
Thank you all
Aly, Sounds like you are learning to dance in the storm! It just reiterates why we should enjoy each day to it's fullest because in a moments notice, it all can change. I wish you all the best.

Hugs and prayers
Wow, what a relief, at least as far as your husband goes. You can breathe again! So sorry to hear about your mum, though. I hope she isn't in too much pain. Will she need a surgical repair?


What a wild ride this thread is! I'm very relieved for you as it sounded much to hard to bear all that. I do hope that all continues to go smoothly for you and your family, well ... as smooth as it possibly can be!
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