Unnatural attraction to animals - on Netflix

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Distinguished member
Aug 25, 2017
New Westminster
I am not sure if any other PALS have this symptom, but I have become addicted to animal shows on Netflix. I have searched through the drug sheets on Baclofen, Edaravone and Riluzole and it mentions nothing about this debilitating adverse affect.

I first noticed it a few weeks ago. I decided to pass some productive time on Netflix. I used to like comedies, so I started a few of them, but they weren't that funny. Maybe Will Ferrell has run his course? I used to like action movies so I switched to that genre. But I became very jealous of these people with properly firing neurons. And some of the plots and action scenes were simply unbelievable.

And then it happened.

MONKEY LIFE! It was an immediate addiction. It is reality show about a monkey sanctuary in Dorset in England. It is like Law and Order, Grey's Anatomy, Orange is the New Black and the Bachelor all wrapped up in one delightful simian smorgasbord. I am on episode 18 and I am afraid to see how many are left. Because I may have to turn to the dark web to quench my insatiable appetite for more episodes.

But like a gateway drug, I started binge watching other bestial documentaries like Planet Earth, Planet Earth II, The Blue Planet, The Frozen Planet and the Round Planet.

This is causing strain on our marriage because my wife does not like any animal that defecates.

Please help me. Nikki, what does the literature say about this? Mike, please don't tell me this doesn't sound like ALS.

Oh, I have to go, one of the lemurs was badly hurt in a fight and they are stitching her up.
Maybe your just sick of all the other shows and have found a new interest? I suggest you watch Tillies Trees koalas if your now into animals. Maybe your wife can do what I do during a horror movie and cover her eyes through the rough part (the defecating) so you can enjoy it together. Or watch Tillies Koalas as she leaves out the defecating part.
A new area to research! I will bring it up to the researchers. I do agree though it is probably related to the more common koala addiction that affects both CALS and PALS here and via Facebook has spread beyond the MND world.
Oh I just remembered. My mother enjoyed watching curious George- much more refined than this lot I think. Hope the lemur is ok
Has noone told you that BBC nature documentaries can scatter your vision because they're so we'll filmed? This is serious... defecation!
If you liked Planet Earth you may also like Orbit. A British documentary that follows the orbit of earth around the sun for one calendar year stopping along the way to explain different seasons and their causes. Fascinating to me. It is entertaining and educational.
Ted, my husband and I also absolutely love Monkey Life! We just finished watching the last episode yesterday and were really sad that it ended. Also big fans of Planet Earth-- amazing photography!

I’ve been addicted to Pitbulls and Paroles long before I got ALS. I also like Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Frozen Planet. I loved March of the Penguins. I used to be addicted to Nat Geo programs. However I’ve never checked out Monkey Life. Now I just may.......
Karen, this is not a spur of the moment fun drug!
Sounds like it could be something marked and sold in a bottle, “Monkey Life”. Maybe it’s a new miracle cure for motor neuron disease???
OK, I'm sure this post will prove that I'm the craziest person on this forum.

A man from our town posted a picture of an elephant he killed in Africa. I am very much against trophy hunting. When I saw it I started crying then I had an idea.

I got on YouTube and started watching bulls goring people during the running of the bulls. One thing led to another and my 65 inch flat screen turned into the animal version of Dexter :lol::lol::lol::twisted::twisted:
I never pass up a chance to cheer when hearing someone who makes money from animal torture gets their comeuppance. Gruesome as it is, I will always cheer for the bull if I come across an unexpected clip of such.

Will also feel justice has been served when trophy hunters reportedly get eaten by the very animals they are after. Seems balanced in the grand scheme of things. More sporting, somehow.

Kim, have you read anything about this? Gangsters!

Gangs of aggressive killer whales are shaking down Alaska fishing boats for their fish: report | National Post

Ted, there's footage I once saw on Nat Geo of a pod of orcas hunting sea lions in an area with icebergs. It's both sinister and simply amazing the type of calculating strategy they use to tilt the icebergs the sea lions are hiding on to bounce them off. Yours is an addiction I've dabbled in too. We live in a wonderful world.
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Ted, my wife and I are entirely different TV program watchers. Ain't no way I'm gonna watch "The Bachelorette". I have a tall roll top desk with a small 13" TV screen, my monitor, CD/DVD/VHS/radio/XM. Her big TV is on the other side of the room. We both use wireless headphones.

My taste in programming has changed too. I used to be a movie buff. Now I'm an Ancient Aliens junkie, anything about ancient Egypt and Mysteries/Secrets of the Universe. Those three bore Ann nuts.

If possible get you a small TV with headphones.

We love our head phones. :)
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Well, whales are smart and they figured out a new way to eat. Sort of like when we order a pizza and it's delivered. Easier than making it ourselves. :idea:
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