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Active member
Jan 18, 2013
Learn about ALS
I got to be in the movies!
actually my condition is so rare there is very little footage of it.
Its progressive and does cause problems moving and causes balance issues.
Can look like progressive muscle disorders,
Even causes voice change called distonia.
My diagnosis is called parkinism. not sure if im spelling things right.
It would have kept progressing if not treated.
I have my rx and she will see me in 3 months. To see if its the same worse or better.
she said thats why i fall lose my balance and move so slow.
And drop things.
She may eventualy write me a rx to help with my sleep apnea.
Thank god! but i still need my walker.

Oh she is going to look into speach and physical therapy for me.
I am so glad they figured it out for you. Now you can learn about it and figure out what is best for you. I don't know if I should say congratulations or commiserations. Maybe both, contagrats they found it what it is and sorry they found out what it is. Anyway I wish you peace and sending hugs your way.
So glad you have a diagnosis.
Parkinism sucks but its treatable and it sounds like your in good hands.
My uncle has had parkinsons desease for 20yrs now but meds no longer work,he's in the end stages but still hanging on.
Gone to mod land.
Thanks vicki.
I got my meds today and if i had not i would be very discouraged because now my left arm is feeling worse. This medicine may or may not make me better. Hoping for the best.
Thanks for all the support,
Going to get my 4 wheel walker soon.
Don't forget the horn to put on that walker! Beep Beep speedy gonzales!

Glad they figured it out--if you have sleep apnea it needs treated NOW, not later, though. Have they done a sleep study?
Off to modland.
Hope the meds will give you some relief
No sleep study yet.. but i will ask my doc when i see them friday.
Thanks for everyones patience and support.
Im not the best at describing things. Glad you all had the patience for me.
I know olly parkinsons is very debiliating. My uncle had his first symptoms in 90 and by time 93 he passd away.
My Mom had Parkinson's and lived to 91
My uncle started with it in 1990 and by 1993 he had passed wasnt even 60. but he is not my blood uncle.
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