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Distinguished member
Mar 8, 2009
“Oh dear,”
said Bertha,
“that doesn’t look good.”
‘Bertha’ is the collective name my Favourite Wife and I have assigned to my harem of personal attendants, the bevy of middle aged nurses who will soon be flocking to The Coliseum, our soon to be completed accessible bathroom.

One never likes to be told that there is something wrong with one; and when one is at the unenviable disadvantage of being showered one tends to panic all the more. My toes were the focus of Bertha’s attention, and she pointed out to me with professional concern a nasty patch of flaky skin between digits 7 & 8. I reflexively crunched my toes tightly together against further scrutiny. Later in the day, having achieved the privacy of solitude (in contrast to the utter lack of privacy at shower time) I made my own inspection and to my enduring horror discovered that digits 1 through 6 along with numbers 9 and 10 were equally compromised! I had a case of full blown, galloping tinea. (Get it? Hooves? Feet? No problems with the top end!) Beware reader, lest you ever have to delegate your own foot washing!

In the days since I have cowered in embarrassment through each and every shower, purely on account of my toes. Which is rather bizarre if you think it through.

This unpleasant turn of events only adds insult to injury, because it is not the first podiatric complaint of the year. Sitting down as much as I do allows gravity to do dreadful things to the fluid in one’s legs; and by evening my formerly statuesque feet have more of the look of a balloon dog inflated by a children’s-party clown. I detest the annihilation of my lean, athletic extremities; an aspect of my physique in which I once took enormous pride!

I find this dilapidation excruciating. It’s a horrible thing to be confronted with the end of vigour; the shattering of the illusion of youth which I’ve been able to sustain for the better part of my half century. I think, however, that I have long been aware of the pride involved in my carefully manicured sense of invincibility. When I was discharging my duties as a pastor, or even as a hospital chaplain for a time, I was always secretly glad that I was not ‘one of them’, no matter how genuine my concern for someone in need. Physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, ethnically, spiritually, financially, culturally, aesthetically; I was always on the right side of the line. And that, surely, is an uglier thing than athlete’s foot.

This was the temptation that Eve succumbed to: “In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing both good and evil.” Not merely having the feet of an Adonis, but critiquing all things, knowing good from evil, deciding which is which, and whom is whom, sitting in judgement upon the whole world. And it can only be so long until you find in yourself the very thing you found so insufferable in another.

Well, I think I’ve reached my word limit! I was planning to explain a redemptive story about tinea from the second chapter of Daniel; but instead you will just have to figure it out for yourself…

The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.
Would that be what we call over here "athletes foot"? Anti fungal cream works wonders.

Yep, athletes foot it is also commonly known as. Luckily the old caneston cream works wonders.
Make sure you keep your feet dry, cotton socks and foot powder in your shoes :)
and dont lotion between the toes ( im speaking of regular lotion, not the medicated stuff for the infection)
Responding to treatment! Thank goodness.

Never in all my born days have I read anything so entertaining involving athlete's foot. LOL You are a NOVELTY, Sir... Big Hugs... LOL

I do suffer from time to time this same affliction... and it is ITCHY to say the least. Glad you are getting relief. :)

God Bless!
Never in all my born days have I read anything so entertaining involving athlete's foot.

So glad you "got it" - that makes my day! Thank you.
Totally entertaining, hope you get relief in equal measure.
You are totally a master of words and humor too. I look forward to your posts.

Glad your little "piggies" are getting better.
Try pressure socks for the swelling.
Thank you arkallen. As my husband suffers from this a lot. Never had it put so eloquently Hope you never have such an embarrassing incident again. But then again. Ole Lou can throw us some loops can't he. LOL
Quote from arkallen:

"When I was discharging my duties as a pastor, or even as a hospital chaplain for a time, I was always secretly glad that I was not ‘one of them’, no matter how genuine my concern for someone in need. Physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, ethnically, spiritually, financially, culturally, aesthetically; I was always on the right side of the line. And that, surely, is an uglier thing than athlete’s foot.

This was the temptation that Eve succumbed to: “In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing both good and evil.” Not merely having the feet of an Adonis, but critiquing all things, knowing good from evil, deciding which is which, and whom is whom, sitting in judgement upon the whole world. And it can only be so long until you find in yourself the very thing you found so insufferable in another."

Thank you for sharing the above...and forgiveness was freely given on the Cross.

I am blessed to know you, my brother in Christ...

Kaye :)
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