"Killer up my Nose"

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Whoa, CJ. That gives me the willies. Poor man!
I know there is deep universal truth in this story, but I'm too skeeved out to even think about it. ew
Yikes. How awful for him.
Tom.... can it be that the deep universal truth is that life could be a lot worse? I'm still grossed out by the what... eyeless worms? Somehow, that's harder to deal with than a brain tumor, although they led to the tumor being found. Incredible.

Dana, yes.
OK, (yes I've been offline a lot, and, now that I'm semi-back, its THIS thread I manage to respond to, LOL) After reading the word "worms" I have not even had the courage to actually click on the link! I have this (hopefully irrational) concern that a spider or something is going to crawl into my BiPAP hose, and some night, poor unsuspecting little old me is going to get it blown up my nose. I mean, I think about it pretty frequently, and always hope its not a premonition.... maybe tonight, after I've visited PZ's pub, and have a bit of fortification, I'll click on CJ's link here. :cool:
Diane, you're so funny. Your BiPap hose is safe, and I think you can venture safely into this article.

CJ. Don't apologize, please. I wouldn't wish this poor guy's trouble on anyone, but frankly, I do sort of feel like ALS is very "do-able" when thinking about the You Know Whats!

Diane, on second thought, don't read it.
Great! The possibility of spiders in my bipap hose had never occurred to me, until NOW :shock: Thanks for sharing! :smile:
OOOOH, Tom, how about a snake?
I hope I would notice a snake in my bipap hose! Actually, I don't mind snakes. It's the creepy crawlies, especially on me, that give me the willies. (shudder)
I used to just pinch those little spiders if they were on me inside the house (we live in the woods). The 6 foot black snake on and around my kitchen window sort of took me aback. I used tongs to pull it (eek) off and take it outside.

Any way your hose could be fitted with a fine screen or nylon stocking to keep it pristine? Tom, wouldn't that be a wonderful mind challenge..."protecting a BiPap hose"?
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OK, I've got to recount a story. Diane, you might want to sit this one out. Several years ago, while vacationing at our summer place, my mother complained about a sporadic loud thumping noise in her ear. This went on for a few days so finally we had a good look in her ear and thought we could see something dark way down in it. While tugging at the lobe, the thumping noise recurred. We then got a glass of warm water, had Mother tilt her head horizontally and poured it carefully into the ear. Then the thumping increased dramatically. After a minute or so a large, perhaps close to 1 1/2" from leg to leg, spider emerged onto her face. She was very matter of fact about it and commented to the effect, " See, I have been telling you something was in my ear."

I still don't know how such a huge spider managed to squeeze into such a small space.

Well, John, maybe a fitted "Over the Ear" filter should be invented as well. Your mother sounds like a country woman to me! We had a family (town folk) living in this house one year, and she was helping me take care of my chickens. It turned out she screamed every time she opened the chicken house door and a cricket jumped. Then the rooster attacked her, and as she put it, "I guess I'm not going to ever be a country woman." They moved to town shortly afterward.

Hose filters and ear filters. Does anyone need one for mouth or nostrils? We could all just wear a stocking over our face and look like bank robbers.

Whoa, John. One and a half inches. That's amazing. And really "ick".
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