Things ALS can't take

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Extremely helpful member
Mar 29, 2008
Last night, I thought I might actually start a blog, because I wanted to remember some of the things I enjoy, or enjoy doing. But... it was late, and today I don't remember what the activity that instilled the thought is... LOL (sort of).

So, I thought (before I forget) maybe a running list of things we like, that MND will not rob us of...


SMELLS: (in no particular order)

the smell of a bell pepper when its first sliced into.

The ocean

The air after a storm

Babies, especially at the crook of their neck.

The smell of onions frying (I don't eat onions)

Christmas trees



how a cigarette smells when its first lit (I don't smoke, but this could be a "by association thing")


Children laughing

the wind howling

the ocean

music (of course) but more specifically, why a song appeals, such as the counter melody of harpsichord in In My Life by the Beatles


Obviously I could go on, but I was curious as to what others would add.
Hi Rose,

The biggest thing it will never take is my love for Mick it endless.xx Ang

leaves rustling as squirrels scurry within them
the rooster's crowing
the crackle of a fire
my husband's steps as he comes up the stairs to check on me


fresh cut grass
Mock Orange
basil, torn
firewood inside the house, and all cut wood
A gentle breeze and the warmth of the sun touching your face.
The joy of watching three crazy shih tzus romp on the floor!
My son calling me Mom.. The smell of his hair.. My husband's cologne when he get's dressed for work.. My meowing kitty.. The smell of fresh squeezed lemonade...the smell of freshly cleaned clothing. The softness of a warm comfy blanket...the warmth of the fireplace...the joy of watching a great movie with my family..the sound of my son and husband sleeping peacefully... the sound of my cat and dog playing with toys...
What a great thread.. Thanks so much Rose..
My sense of wonder of this beautiful planet and all its wonders.

You're welcome. What I found when I started with just a short list, was that there are actually so MANY things! And, reading through what people have already responded with, I identify with many, and almost put the same down (lilacs! fresh laundry!) especially cotton that's dried in the sunshine.

Memories are important too, of the things we did, but now don't. But, if we don't write it down somewhere, we may forget to remember. There's so MUCH, if we've lived at all.

Just pick a subject, it doesn't have to be a heavy meaningful subject.

Take soldering. I used to work with stained glass, and I just loved to solder, I liked the way the solder would suddenly just melt under the touch of the iron, one minute it was wire, and the next it was liquid silver, and the way the flux made the sizzle sound with a puff of smoke, and how quickly the solder mounded back up into a solid state again. (and the chemicals I inhaled and absorbed. LOL. Oh well)

Some things just never get old, and ALS (and its variants) can't touch them.

I'm not trying to sound like Pollyanna, but, its good to remember that some things are still just kick a$$ great, if it means something to the person experiencing it. Its good to understand that a person may have ALS, but that ALS does not own that person.

( I think someone better play that John Denver song tonight over in PZ's Pub... Sunshine on My Shoulders)
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Rose, Pollyanna is highly underrated. "The Glad Game" is fun. So is thinking not of what's lost, but what has been enjoyed. A while back I began making a list of things I had wanted as a child to do "some day". If I'd made a list of everything I'd ever wanted to do, there would be plenty of things undone. But by sticking with things desired from childhood, I honestly cannot think of anything I wanted to do and never did. And then, it progressed to a realization that life has been incredibly rich. Not exciting, but very rich, and of course, personalized to me alone.
I love to smell fresh brewed coffee in the morning, and when i was a child, is the smell of the food cooking for dinner or a cake baking.
I loved the smell of the bathroom after my dad had shaved. I loved to step outside on a spring morning after a rain, what a smell.
Wayne, mmmm coffee smells great!

ALS cannot take away the clean feeling that follows a shower, or the smell of shampoo.
The feeling I got when I had did a great class at the gym. I smile when I think of all the fun I had instructing classes.. Lucky to have this memory. The amazing vacations my husband and son and I have taken.
It can't take away hope, peace, love, or just pleasure in your own thoughts or joys in your life. It can't have them. No way....
White Shoulders perfume - it was my mom's favorite and makes me think of her

listening to the hoot owl at night
I remember wearing White Shoulders. The memory of scent is so evocative. Not long before dying of cancer, my MIL found a source for the cologne her mother had poured on a handkerchief to use on her forehead when Mom was a little girl with a headache. She bought a bottle of it for me, and it was such an odd sense of having been passed the baton.
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