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Moderator emeritus
Jan 31, 2010
Hi all! The last two years have been really complicated for me medically. I've found it easier just to say nothing about myself than say things that were half-truths. Our worriers don't really take nuance well, and I hate to be dishonest, so I felt kind of stuck.

I hate to leave those who have walked personally with me through on my journey. You guys have been so fantastic and encouraging through the years. So I settled on updating via PMs. I could easily have forgotten friends in my list of who I sent these PMs too, though, so very many of you rock! If you are someone I forgot in the multitude of names, forgive me and poke me at your convenience.

Overall, I'm in a different, arguably better situation than I was two years ago. It seems people in our community are always learning how to deal with new phases and methods of life, and I've been no exception. My docs have been pretty helpful with symptomatic treatments, and I'm enjoying life day to day. My church, immediate family, and friends have been very supportive and accepting of my particular needs, and I ever look forward to tomorrow.

I think of you all often, and try to put in my two cents where I think they'll be helpful.
I always appreciate anything you can tell everyone here please continue to do so!
So glad your in a good place Beky. Thanks for the update. Your posts and e mails are always so helpful.
I'm glad to hear your situation is better in general. We understand that, with every improvement, there is often a down side.

Please continue to post. You are one of our most knowledgeable members.
I have always enjoyed your posts. You are so knowledgeable and insightful. I won't ask you to change your mind but I will say that I will miss you.
Wow, amazing how leaving out a phrase you thought you wrote changes a message! It was supposed to be "leave in the dark", heh. I'm not going anywhere.
Whew ! You had us scared.
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