dr google, me and nobody knows nowt.......

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Distinguished member
Jul 5, 2011
moved back to blighty
....after bad chest and painful shoulders my doc sent me for xrays and blood work...blood showed up rhumatoid stuff..fast tracked to see rhummy...got an appointment 12 march....only 4 months wait...now that is lightning quick when medical stuff is free.......now my neuros sent me away with the words....its something in your spine causing your probs but we dont know what.....that was 2 yrs ago...whats the chances the rhummy stuff is effecting my spine and causing the neuro stuff i wondered....tune in dr, i know all, google...well, according to know all, they dont know what cause rhummy, cant cure it, might have but does not show in blood..shows in blood but may not have it....in other words, were have we all heared that before, eh....so whats the point, my friends..nobody knows nowt.......and i sure dont fancy this rhummy lark its sounds crappy.......johnny, ps, episode 2, 13 march...if i aint bored the pants offa you already..
Oh Johnny you are never boring. I am sorry things are stacking up on you. From what I understand (source a friend with rheumatoid arthritis) it only attacks the hands, arms, shoulders, hips and legs and feet. She has had it for several years and only 44 years young. she has never had a back problem. I don't know if that info helps or hinders.

I think all of this is crappy! Keep your chin up! We all love your wit and humor and we look to you to entertain us. I wish you peace. Hugs.
Johnny -I also have a friend with rheumatoid arthritis. I'll ask about the back. Some good news is she has a few medications that have almost totally alleviated her pain (and still allows her to function, so it's not just 'pain meds'). So, there is some help, but no cure . . . :-(
ta, vicki...only attacks hands arms shoulders hips and legs...blimey ..thats alright then....chuckle, nothings gonna change eh............loves johnny
Yes my friend is on medication, it is a form of chemo drug used for cancer and rheummy. She is on a low dose and it helps with day to day activities but if she does heavy work it brings on an attack. The drug supresses the immune system (which rheumatoid is an auto immune dis ease) so the joints are not attacked and it slows progre ssion.
mich5...thanks for reply....interesting....because although i have <some thing in the spine>....across my hips and my shoulders is were i have trouble, my spine is not a prob...plus my legs and umneuron thingy me bobs...i am interested what your friend has to say about the back...cheers johnny
Sorry Johnny... I know this sucks.
am gonna go on.. know all.. google now.....gonna type in rheumatoid and neurological, and see what comes up...well, its bloody cold outside and i aint got out better to do.......
Well good luck!
vicki....rheumy can cause neurological thingies....its a minefield this google rheumy neuro stuff....anyway, its seems i aint got long left..its been good to know you all. ................................kidding, only kidding...am finished with google .........drives you nuts.......have a nice day.....johnny
Yea I took a minute to look at what popped up and holy cow! If I have questions I go to web md or mayo clinic. I have found a mito website but they don't have alot of info. Well hang in there. You have a nice day to. Hugs.

Close family member is a medic who qualified almost 4 years ago, is now a member of the Royal College of Physicians, having passed the final exams for that a few months back, and she is coming up to the point where she chooses her specialisation.

She tells me that she is probably going for rheumatology because they've got a lot of new treatments coming through that will really help patients; they are hugely expensive but I'm sure that you are worth it!
johnny,my gp sent me to a rehumi first when i got ill..........did all blood tests but nothing showed up ,by the time i had gone for results it was clear i was suffering with neurological symtoms. The rehumi said i needed to see a neurologist.

vickim,the drug is called methotroxate........the rehumi talked about putting me on it at my first appointment,it can cause hair loss.
a friend of mine is on it and she needs to have her liver checked every so ofton as it can be toxic for it.

Nursing a bad cold at the moment,temp,splitting head,aches ect ect .
I at one time was diag nosed with rhuematoid arthritis by 2different RA docs. They both based their findings on a blood test with a slightly high RA factor. The first doc changed his mind after having me on plaquenal, which messed up my eye sight, for a year. He said he didn't know what the problem was since his treatment was not relieving the symptoms and they were getting worse. So then gp sent me to another RA even though the bloodwork was back to normal. She ended up putting me on methotrexate, which was a cancer drug. She was basing her diag nosis of RA on the same history of bloodwork the fist RA doc did. After six months of being sicker than a dog who ate rotten meat from a garbage can, she finally said " you don't have RA. I don't know what you have. You should see a neurologist because there is nothing more I can help you with."

So, docs practice medicine on you. Johnny, so sorry that your still being put through the grinder on this. I do have arthritis in my back, but the CAT scans show that its not causing any of my symptoms. It was the muscle biopsy that pretty much clenched it for me. Everything that could possibly cause the type of atrophy that showed up in the biopsy, had already been ruled out and the only one left standing was UMN disease.

Hope you don't get the run around. If it is RA, then the meds should make you feel better.
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