Formula making me sooo sleepy

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Distinguished member
Feb 10, 2013
I am working hard to put some weight back on my bones (although I now have a perfect skeleton Halloween costume). So far, my tummy feels comfortable with 200-300mL so I am tube feeding 5 times a day. Out of those 5 times, I am using commercial formula (resource 2.0) twice. Everytime. I ingest the formula, I get so tired I usually crash right after. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what do you do to avoid the fatigue? Thx
Hi Cricket. Are you also taking in lots of fluids to keep you hydrated? Perhaps you can ask your dietician to give you some kind of energy boost drink in addition to the formula. We did that for Bob but I just can't remember what it was he was taking. Lots of water though! Take care sweet lady. Yasmin.
Could be glucose high to low crash esp. if you are not used to heavily processed/high carb foods. Consider real food, blenderized, or a different formula?
everyone is different, but even when my wife had to go 100% feeding peg she never once nodded off while in wheelchair from 10-6.

I told her it was ok to take a nap but she never did.
Thank you for all your input. I appreciate your suggestions and will try them. On another note, I just found out how much weight i have actually lost in the past few months. It feels like like my weight has spiraled out of control. Hopefully, now that I have the feeding tube, I will be able to gain.
Cricket, glad you realize how much weight you've lost. Now start gaining it again! :)
it takes a lot of calories for pals to maintain weight. I need 2400-2600 daily. from day one I mixed my own health drink containing 600-700 calories 2-3 times a day plus meals. how many calories do you take in 5 times a day. also water or juices are important, stay hydrated
My PALS is feeling a bit nauseous after the commercial mix 237 mls Isosource 1.5

He can eat a large meal, blended by mouth and never has a problem. He's only having 1 commercial feed by peg every second day or so as he wants to eat as much by mouth as he can while he can.

Do you feel any nausea at all Cricket?
Today the dietician said give him half a feed at a time. So I did, first half he said no nausea, second half, 1.5 hours later and he said he did feel it.

He also gets a lot of wind from it, and she said maybe it is too high fibre.

Tomorrow they are giving us some samples of other formulae to try.

I do try to get as much water into him every day as possible, he was drinking so little for weeks before the peg went in.

He was also starting to lose an alarming amount of weight, and so far he hasn't really gained weight but he has stopped losing, so that's a great start.

Let us know how you go Cricket, it's kind of trial and error it seems.
The wife is 100% feeding peg now.

Here is our procedure.........

8:30 AM............1 cup luke warm water with crushed pills.---- 1 can Nutrent 1.5, I can Jevity 1.0----1 1/2 cup luke warm water rense
1:00.................1 cup luke warm water ................................1 can nutrient 1.5..................................1 1/2 cup luke warm water rinse
6:00.................1 cup luke warm water rinse ........................1 can Jevity 1.0......................................1 1/2 cup luke warm water rinse

Feeding times may vary slightly, but what goes in feeding peg does not.

Thus, total food is (2) can Nutrent 1.5 and (2) can Jevity 1.0

WORKS GREAT..............for us

As I always state, everybody is different, however.
My goal is to reach about 2800 calories a day. i have started to add small amounts of oils in my blended diet. I alternate between oils like coconut, pumpkin seed, walnut, avocado, flax, fish, olive, hemp, etc. I was missing this step in my diet. Tsk tsk, I know...even the coconut oil. So, back on track! No nausea and not so drowsy if i use amounts of 1 cup and a half and space feedings out to every 2hrs like a newborn babe. Pls feel free to share other pointers to help pump up the weight. Cheers
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